An announcement is typically formal in statement about a fact, occurrence, or intention. It’s sound or appearance is known and reported, declared, dispatched, and disclosed.
I have a feeling that the things God has to say to us this season are coming in the form of an announcement. Like any announcement, it will be made plain to us and not leave us guessing about what we are seeing or hearing. Announce comes from “Ana” and the base of aggelos; to announce IN DETAIL- declare, rehearse, report, show & tell. (Strongs concordance)
For the last couple weeks God has been hilighting the word “announcements” to me. Isaiah 42:9 says “the former things that have happened, but new things I declare, but before they spring into being, I’ll ANNOUNCE them to you.” Just like this verse says, I believe God has some things in store for us this spring and He’s about to tell us loud and clear so be intentional to lean in the next couple weeks. Get quiet and get silent, clear you mind and wait for His whisper. Get the good book open and ask Him to “enlighten the eyes of my heart” (Eph.1:18). Pay attention to things being said both over you and around you, as it feels like such an important time to walk with intention and be alert about the things God is speaking to us. But fear not…not every announcement comes by our seeking, but by interruption. Maybe that’s my announcement today, prepare to be interrupted!
In Psalm 68:11 says “The Lord gives the word and great is the company (of women) who proclaim it.” A friend told me that April is all about “overflow,” then I heard from another to “get ready.” I think the Lord is saying all kinds of things to all kinds of people so let’s pay attention to the words that keep finding there way back to our ears again and again. Let’s also have the courage to make any announcements God might put on our own hearts that need to reach the heart of another, as your voice might be the key that carries the report of what God wants to release.
I’ll leave you with the greatest announcement that has ever came to earth, no doubt this kind of word would need an Angel to carry the anthem. “Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. A Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.”
Pressing in, DeAnn Carpenter