I’m not usually one for playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving, but for the last week I’ve had a chorus that’s been playing on repeat in my spirit. The lyrics are from a familiar Christmas song, “do you hear what I hear?” When I looked up this little number I couldn’t help but feel that this was the anthem on Gods playlist this season. “Do you see what I see? Do you hear what I hear? Do you know what I know? Listen to what I say.”
The beginning of Psalm 81 tells us to “sing for joy to God our strength & lift up a song. I believe that in the beginning of this Holiday season that song is the key to how we are to begin aligning ourselves with what God wants to both do and reveal in a new season. A BEGINNING is the point at which something starts and I believe that as we posture ourselves “to see, to hear, to know, and listen to Him, it will be the beginning of many new things for us.
As I prayed about this word, I saw a Christmas gift being unwrapped…it was exciting and done with persistence and anticipation. I believe that as the same stance is present in us as we sit before God, there will be more unveiling that happens and it will open us up to new gifts and other ways of walking and working with Him.
I pray this season is just as the song says…(in paraphrase). we’d still be able to shine and dance when the night sets in, we’d lift up a song way above our circumstances because nothing would hinder our voice, we’d find ourselves going to those in need with lovely and generous gifts, and we’d be people who carry peace and extend grace.
Let us bring Him silver & gold, DeAnn Carpenter