May 23, 2022

Last week I woke up at 3:22 to my phone dinging to a new email, riveting I know…but my spirit quickened because in Revelation 3:22 it says, ”he who has an ear, let him hear and heed what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.” I knew the Lord was just getting my attention to what I was about to read next, Anthropology’s latest update for their new bridal line, ”ALL EYES ON THE BRIDE.” With that, I began to read over the letter to Bride (the seven churches in Revelation) to see what God had to say.

The book of Revelation doesn’t hit all that softly. It’s certainly not sugar-coated as the word ”Repent” lands twelve different times, exhorting us to use keen introspection with ourselves. The chapter calls us to reflect on our reputation, (being dead and numb when we say we are alive), our spiritual temperature (be hot or cold), our focus (you have abandoned your first love) our mixture (other teachings outside of Gods heart) and our toleration of Jezebel (control and deceitful behavior). Yikes, who needs a drink?

The letter is not without a remedy, after each observation is a call to genuine repentance. Turn around, move towards Jesus, and I bet we will be surprised at what opens up to us when we let His Spirit use his divine magnifying glass to surface what is unsettled. I believe the Lord is “fitting” us for new things this season and wants us clean before we take our place. Before a bride would walk to the altar she would first alter whatever is needed. Measurements are taken and things get tailored to fit us uniquely.

I wonder if we might need to make any ”alterations” this week? Relational alterations (mending, forgiving, boundary setting, etc.) financial alterations, spiritual, emotional, or physical ones?

There is nothing more captivating than a bride + groom with unwavering focus on each other. I pray this is a season where the bridegroom sweeps us off our feet. I pray our attention and devotion is singular focused and filled with His presence. And I pray we have plenty in the wedding party celebrating beside us.

Cheers, DeAnn C.