While I was on vacation last week the picture of the compass kept catching my eye and I thought the Lord might have something more to say about this picture of direction…no doubt He did.
I heard in my spirit the word “encompass” and that He is going to surround us in the next steps of adventure and new direction. I had a sense that God is leading many in new avenues of things and the verses that He put with me next had to do with a leveling out so that we can move with more ease.
“They may come with tears, they may be praying as I bring them back, but I will lead them beside streams of water on a level path where they will not stumble.” -Jer.31:9
“Let the morning bring me a word of your love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go…may your good spirit lead me on level ground.” -Psalm 143:8-10
I also heard the words in my heart: align, allow, assume. I sat with that for a bit and feel it important that we allow God (“who probes our minds and hearts”-Ps.7) to really be our guide and lead this season and not make assumptions about where He’s taking us or what He’s doing. Wherever that ends up being, let’s make certain that are alignment is correctly adjusted underneath Him, that we might not get ahead of Him.
There are plenty of things that can encompass a person on any given day, but as we tuck in under Him and allow Him to be our covering and what’s encompassing us, then we can be at rest with what’s next. I heard the phrase, “if we dwell in His shelter then we can rest in His shadow” (from Psalm 91). I felt it important that are minds are put to rest with worry or wonder. Let your eyes close at night with ease and trust that hand that leads us in the right way.
I don’t know what’s next for all of us, but I do know that God has mapped something out uniquely for us, so let’s make certain that where we’re walking is in alignment with where He is leading. Let’s keep asking as a child does, not “are we there yet?” But maybe more “is this the way?” For He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way. ALL the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful…and He will instruct us in the ways chosen for us. -Psalm 25
Lastly, I feel this word stamped with the verse that Isaiah speaks in 40:4, it says that “mountains will be made low and rough grounds will become level (or smooth) and rugged places a plain.” That word is echoed again from Luke in 3:5 “crooked roads will become straight and rough ways smooth as we see God at work.” And though I know the context is different in this read, but I feel God brought it my attention for what He is up to now…that things will become easier and more clear, paths narrowed and our direction more sure. As that happens and clarity comes, let’s not forget to take some time to check in with our guide and say the things we need to for navigating us through such a terrain. There is so much ahead, let’s enjoy the journey with the ones we’re with.
It’s getting closer, DeAnn Carpenter.